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Kelsey Carolan
Position: Herald Staff Writer

EPA stops White Mesa mill from receiving toxic waste from uranium sites

Ute Mountain Utes say company might be polluting well water

Will a flood of federal money finally fix broadband in Southwest Colorado?

Experts say it helps, but a local effort and new ideas are needed

Hickenlooper’s first bill becomes law: Making EV charging stations affordable

RECHARGE Act aligns with Durango goals to lower costs, eliminate ‘range anxiety’

Report says it takes too long to deliver federal money to areas hit by floods, wildfires

Sen. Bennet aims to improve the Emergency Watershed Protection Program

Will child tax credit be extended another year?

Family benefit championed by Sen. Bennet included in Build Back Better Plan

How will questions about Boebert’s role in Jan. 6 attacks affect her bid for re-election?

Congresswoman denies meeting with organizers ahead of event

Durango hotel project for transitional housing included in federal bills, but it’s less than hoped

City likely to receive $3 million for purchase of Best Western

Axis Health System receives grant allowing it to combine locations, add pharmacy

Dental care and integrated health will merge in Cortez

Should methane rules extend to older wells?

U.S. Sens. Bennet, Hickenlooper seek to extend Obama-era protections to orphaned and abandoned sites

Bennet and Romney raft Colorado River amid historic drought

Ranches in Southwest Colorado suffering from water shortages

Boebert seeks to block money from being used to relocate BLM headquarters

Biden administration could still use other funding to move office from Grand Junction

Federal investment in forests could spur jobs, reduce wildfires and clear the air, Bennet says

Senator promotes $60 billion Outdoor Restoration Partnership Act in tour around Colorado