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The Washington Post
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Experts tackle travelers’ questions

Travel insurance, families in flight

Talk Travel: The reasons why someone might have multiple passports

The Washington Post’s Travel section writers and editors recently discussed stories, questions, gripes and more. Here are edited excerpts: Q: I read recent news about the busin...

Kushner now a focus in Russia investigation

Investigators are focusing on a series of meetings held by Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and an influential White House adviser, as part of their probe into Russian medd...

Who will win, should win and who should have been nominated

The Washington Post’s three film critics have picked who will win the major Oscars, who should win and who should have been nominated: Picture “La La Land” “Moonlight” ...

Travel Q&A: How to sleep on red-eye flights, vet vacation rentals

Q: It’s hard for me to sleep on planes, but I have a red-eye flight coming back from Los Angeles to Washington next month and was interested in any tips people might have to help sleep o...

Millions march in Washington and around the world

Women, supporters vow to resist Donald Trump

Shiite militias join offensive to retake Mosul from Islamic State

IRBIL, Iraq – Iraq’s Shiite militias said Saturday that they had joined the operation to recapture the Islamic State-held city of Mosul, a move that could whip up sectarian and regional tens...

What to do if science is your passion

Q: My husband is interested in science of all types: astronomy, nature, chemistry, geology, etc. Do you have any suggestions for a trip that would include substantial science? Bonus points i...

5-day ‘fast’ seems to reboot the body

Fasting has long been acclaimed as an effective way to lose weight, improve the immune system and boost brain function. But doctors have been loathe to recommend it because of the dangers as...

Orioles to play in empty ballpark

The widespread rioting that enveloped Baltimore on Monday night and kept the city on edge Tuesday created an oddity that, to be sure, is frivolous given the chaos but could serve as one of t...