Southwest Life

Library hosts new Spanish Conversation Hour

Durango Public Library will now host a monthly Spanish Conversation Hour from 5:30-6:30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month. Participants are invited to practice their Spanish in an inform...

Bridge scores

Durango Bridge Club online and in-person play. All pairs received 50+ percent Oct. 25 – Open Pairs First: C.L. Lappen /W. Rosenberger Second: K. Davis/S. Zerbe Third: J...

Photos: Paddling witches

Aqua Babes get together for a Witches Flotilla at Lake Nighthorse

Durango Workforce Center moves to new location

The Durango Workforce Center has moved with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to 160 Rock Point Drive, Suite A. This strategic co-location aims to enhance the range of services and s...

Prostate cancer support group to meet

Man 2 Man Prostate Cancer Support Group of Durango will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 over Zoom. The group consists of survivors of prostate cancer and men who have been diagnosed with ...

Mt. Allison Grange hosts Harvest Supper

The Mt. Allison Grange is hosting its Harvest Supper from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Grange, 2658 County Road 329 in Ignacio. The menu will include: roast beef, baked potatoes (cooked in o...

December Library Events

Durango Public Library 1900 East Third Ave. Contact: 375-3380. Pine River Library 395 Bayfield Center Drive, Bayfield. Contact: 884-2222, Southwest La Plata Library Di...

Senior Center Calendar

Durango/La Plata Senior Center 2424 Main Ave., 382-6445 Monday 9:30 a.m.: Intermediate Tai-Chi. 10:30 a.m.: Neo Delphi Meeting, Watch Your Step – Marvel, Chair Yoga. 12:30 p.m...

Bridge scores

Durango Bridge Club online and in-person play. All pairs received 50+ percent Oct. 18 – Open Pairs First: C.L. Lappen/W. Rosenberger Second: S. Brown/J. Cox Third: S. M...

Photos: Expert leathercrafter and collector estate sale near Ignacio

Items belonging to the late Alex Pappas were auctioned for sale on Saturday

Family remembers Alex Pappas’ legacy at estate sale near Ignacio

Late leathercrafter was renowned for his workmanship

Durango Public Library hosts Hygge Series

Hygge (pronounced “hyoo-guh”) is a Danish concept that basically translates to creating a warm, cozy atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. As winter approaches, D...
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