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Farmington Area Single Track teaches youths and adults the thrills of mountain biking

FAST offers mountain bike lessons for all ages, skill levels

Sometimes ya just gotta laugh

Fishing, and failing, in Belize

MCP acquires Lee Canyon Ski Resort near Las Vegas

The southwest’s largest resort management company expands its regional presence

Iron Horse Bicycle Classic announces MTB race details

Race lap nods to 2001 World Cup race

Purgatory to celebrate season with pond skimming

Resort will operate weekends-only through April 23

Staying safe and dry

Tips on fishing after a record snow pack

Roost the Ridges Enduro beats the weather

Race draws local, regional riders

How the Colorado Avalanche Information Center investigates fatal slides

CAIC forecasters and snow scientists compile detailed accounts of every fatal avalanche

Aztec receives $39,999 for outdoor spaces master plan

Trails, recreation facilities and open space development to follow

Brookside Skatepark to be reworked or rebuilt

Local skateboarding icon envisions new skatepark as best idea

Farmington Police Department donates bikes

Bikes donated to bicycle maintenance class

A billionaire and the BLM brokered a Colorado land swap. Not everyone is cheering.

The watchdog group Colorado Wild Public Lands wants more transparency, plans to oppose the Blue Valley Ranch deal
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