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Coronavirus pandemic disrupts Appalachian Trail dreams

COSBY, Tenn. – When Alexandra Eagle first mentioned plans to hike the entire Appalachian Trail alongside her new husband, her sister told her they’d either be divorced in five months or marr...

Durango city council warns of potential trail closures

Citizens urged to respect ordinances or lose access

Seniors Outdoors! announces weekly events

Seniors Outdoors! has the following activities scheduled: 9 a.m. Wednesday: Hike Haflin Creek Trail. RSVP to Steve Schnarch at ssalivedgo@gmail.com at 749-4478. 9:30 a.m. We...

National parks are free, but some oppose that amid coronavirus

Service closures made matters tricky

Purgatory Resort extends closure, still hopes to open this season

No uphill access at Purgatory during closure; Hesperus offering uphill

Seniors Outdoors! announces weekly events

Seniors Outdoors! has the following activities scheduled: 9:30 a.m. Wednesday: Wednesday Wanderers hike Animas River Trail. RSVP to Eric Pahlke at pahlkee@aol.com or 247-1130.F...

Spring break at the desert mountain of Mount Wrightson

Famous Arizona peak easy to fall in love with

Seniors Outdoors! announces weekly events

Seniors Outdoors! has the following activities scheduled: 9:30 a.m. Wednesday: Wednesday Wanderers hike Animas River Trail. RSVP to Eric Pahlke at pahlkee@aol.com or 247-1130. ...

Durango’s Ryne Olson finishes sixth at Yukon Quest sled dog race

Durango native completes seventh 1,000-mile race

Hesperus man takes second at Idaho sled-dog race

Before Ryne Olson of Durango set out on the 1,000-mile Yukon Quest, another musher from La Plata County showed his prowess on a dog sled in another event. Jesse Flory of Hesperus ...

Seniors Outdoors! announces weekly events

Seniors Outdoors! has the following activities scheduled: 9 a.m. Tuesday: Snowshoe to Baldy Mountain. RSVP to Chuck Rancatti at chuck.rancatti@gmail.com or (425) 231-0930. 8...

Seniors Outdoors! announces weekly events

Seniors Outdoors! has the following activities scheduled: 9 a.m. Wednesday: XC ski Chicken Creek. RSVP to Steve Krest at stevekrest@gmail.com or 588-3806. 9:30 a.m. Wednesda...
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