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New Mexico

Vendors invited to attend farmers market training

Training prepares vendors to participate in any farmers market in San Juan County

Farmington Community Calendar: Things to do in Northern New Mexico

Farmington Monday-Thursday, March 13-16 Youth Life Skills week, noon-4 p.m. daily, Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 E. Sycamore St. Life skills topics, presentations and activities will ...

Four arrested after deputies face gunfire during traffic stop east of Farmington

Sheriff Ferrari calls incident ‘brazen’ criminal behavior

San Juan Regional Medical Center to host career expo

Expo will provide information on current openings, benefits

Best bets: Key events in Farmington, Bloomfield and Aztec

Featured events in the Tri-City area of Farmington, Bloomfield and Aztec

High Desert Games invites senior athletes ages 50 and older to participate

Eleven-plus events to challenge sports enthusiasts throughout April and May

Ex-Navajo President Peterson Zah dies after lengthy illness

Navajo Nation’s first elected president known for charisma, ideas and ability to get things done

Women With Insight classes began last week in Farmington

Farmington police taught about crime scene investigations

Woman has been located

Farmington police reported woman found

Business loan fund seeks applicants

Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments fund is accepting applications

City to host skate park public input meeting

The city of Farmington seeks public input on a proposed redesign of Brookside Skatepark

Survey assess access to resources

100% San Juan seeks survey responses

Local Reporter

Liz Weber
New Mexico reporter


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