Accidental killing of mother bear in Silverton spawns effort to curb wildlife conflicts

Sheriff’s deputy shot sow with beanbag round in attempt to drive bruin out of town

Deputy in Silverton kills bear with less-lethal round

Reports indicate it was an attempt to haze prowling bear gone awry

Bear activity on the rise, resource officer position eliminated

Wildlife officers have received 40% more bear reports compared with the same date in 2023

Photos: More bear-resistant trash cans distributed north of Durango

First year with bear resource officer deemed successful

Clarence Dotson responded to 31 hotline calls during bear season

Bear euthanized in Telluride serves as reminder to secure trash

The 400-pound bear began to starve due to intestinal blockage of human trash

Bear Smart Durango receives $90K for conflict reduction

Grant will fund trash can rebates, campsite food lockers

Bears are back in town as summer passes its peak

Lock up those trash cans, as bears are fattening up for winter, officials say

Working group acquires resources to decrease human-bear conflict in La Plata County

A resource officer will help enforce ordinance, and a hotline will help monitor sightings

Wildlife officials turned to a guy who never caught a bear for better trap

Ongoing bear-human conflict and a collection of failing equipment necessitated a new approach

With spring one week away, first report of bear activity is made in Durango area

Ursus are beginning to leave hibernation as weather warms

Bear cubs on the loose

Colorado Parks and Wildlife released two successfully rehabilitated black bear cubs after their mother was killed