In case anyone missed it, RFK, Jr. is still on the ballot in Colorado and votes for him will be counted even though he has withdrawn from the presidential race.
So to any of my friends or neighbors who may still regard RFK, Jr. as a viable alternative to either major presidential candidate, this last-ditch plea is for you.
First of all, allow me to say: I get it. Politics no longer seem representative. Congress is corrupt. Big Pharma has violated our trust.
I also understand the desire for someone, anyone, to deliver us from a system that often seems irreparable.
But what I don't get is how anyone could think that RFK, Jr. actually does his homework or that he is in any way, shape, or form a critical thinker.
That's his whole appeal, right? That he's the only one speaking truth to power?
Even if we were, for a moment, to look past the brain worm, the mercury poisoning - even the weird bear cub story - RFK, Jr. has still thrown what limited political clout he has behind Donald Trump.
So if the ghoulish penchant for defiling dead animals didn't turn you off, hopefully the fact that he endorsed someone who quoted Mein Kampf in a speech about immigrants will.
RFK, Jr. is no savior. He's not a selfless public servant fighting for centrism. He's not even the lesser of two (or three) evils. He's a relentless contrarian, hungry for power, who sold his soul to the highest bidder.
Please, don't waste your vote on him.
Chris Cottrell