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Celebrating spooky occasions

By Ann Butler

Neighbors Columnist

Ghosts, goblins, superheroes and princesses will celebrate Halloween ... and the birthdays of Willa Beatty, Bud Beebe, Shawna Long, Shirley Buslee, Joe Herrera, Chuck Norton, David Buck, Meghan O’Brien, Brock Fassett, Gary Jones, Amy Koch, Jim Clay, Sharyn Butler-Hall, Bailey Kunkel, Claudia Pew, Bruce Rodman, JoAnn Vota, Paul Boyer, Willie Krischke, Bob Swingle, Keane Hammond, Sharon Mantor and Jack Emerson.

And because people give me a hard time if I don’t mention my own august occasion, I, too, mark another year this week.


Celebrating their anniversary with pumpkin-spiced lattes are Ed and Libby Heath.


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I am happy to consider photos for Neighbors, but they must be high-quality, high-resolution photos (at least 1 MB of memory) and include no more than three to five people. I need to know who’s who, left to right, and who to credit with the photo. Candid photos are better than posed, and photos should be submitted as JPG or TIF attachments.

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