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Church ‘selfless, thoughtful, committed’

Let me tell you about my friend Clyde Church. In 2017, Suzanne and I had another home in Rockport, Texas. Rockport was the bulls-eye for Hurricane Harvey. Our home and property were devastated, and uninhabitable. We rushed from Durango and while residing in a hotel, began the exhausting process of recovery and rebuild.

Shortly afterward, we received a call from our friends Clyde and Paulette Church, who offered their travel trailer for our use at no cost. They delivered from Durango to Rockport, approximately 1,100 miles, the trailer and an entire load of recovery supplies!

We lived in that trailer for months until our house became usable. Clyde is all about selfless, thoughtful, committed service. Please join me in supporting Clyde Church for La Plata County commissioner .

John Gamble
