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City was shortsighted at whitewater park

It’s truly a shame that in the rare year when the Animas River is at high flows at the same time as nice hot weather, the city has, by its unnecessary stream bed construction work, made rafting the whitewater park unsafe.

Instead of the local rafting companies being able to take passengers on our excellent town run, in a year when the number of rafting passengers should be quite large (word gets out), they must either take out before the whitewater park or put in below it.

I understand that there was a need to move water into the intake at the treatment plant, but this could have been accomplished while still making the river reasonably safe to raft, even during high flows. This is undoubtedly costing raft companies, and the city, money.

Hopefully this mistake will be corrected so the Animas can be boated at all levels.

Rob Shelton
