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County is ‘flim-flamming’ on airport

I would like to thank the Herald for keeping the citizens of La Plata County entertained with the antics of the leaders of the county. Their mentors, Saul and Ho Chi Minh, would be proud of them, in their flim-flamming ways, attempting to build a new airport terminal.

First, they want 130 more acres. Then, $500,000 for a breezeway to enter Frontier planes. then, hints of refurbishing the old, updating the old or relocating and building a new terminal.

When confronting citizens at a couple of meetings, the subtle hint of having my blood brothers (bringing so much money into the county) build the new terminal, that 50 percent of 400 residents said they wanted. That’s fewer than 200 people or less than 1 percent, plus or minus 3 percent on a survey standard.

Then, to cover the mistakes, the survey stated at these community meetings our divine leaders began crying new tax for roads, numbers only, except for 309A around the airport and along the runways. Then, next year, tax for the construction. The old tactic of “Out of chaos ... serenity” many of us heard 35 years ago is in play. Remember it.

Keep the stories coming.

Paul McCaw


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