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‘Fake gospel being promoted by MAGA’

Now is the time to protect Jesus’ legacy from the fake gospel being promoted by MAGA, Christians-In-Name-Only, white supremacist groupies. America desperately needs good Christians of all denominations to stand up, with a unified voice, and say “no more” to the lies, fabrications, hatreds, vitriol and sacrilegious support for the demigod wannabe.

To be silent about the relentless denigration of Christ’s word, legacy and his teachings, is almost as bad as the blasphemous misrepresentations and use of Christ’s legacy for their own traitorous ends.

Christ would never have condoned Jim Crow era racism, and he would not condone the divisive, hateful, racist, misogynistic messages coming from many in today’s Republican Party.

I have not heard this kind of un-Christian-like rhetoric in Christian church congregations since when I was a child, growing up in the Jim Crow and post-Jim Crow era. Now is truly the time to stop the steal, stop the theft of Christ’s loving, accepting, graceful legacy and teachings.

Please, don’t be silent and permit history to look back on this moment with disdain for the transgressions of an angry, deluded, hateful and vengeful version of Christianity that Christ himself would never recognize nor condone.

David Kozak
