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GOP focuses on women, prisons, profit

From Congress to the Supreme Court, Republicans are obsessed with standing in front of America and the world and proclaiming themselves masters of women’s parts, something about divine rights of patriarchs that trump our Constitution. They incite their followers’ obsession with punishing and harassing women.

Corporations, Republicans and forced birthers are deadbeat parents that undernourish 22 percent to 36 percent of America’s born children and create barriers to education. This is a plan for programmed failure to keep the cradle-to-prison pipeline full.

Republican legislatures are throwing women in prison now for defying their patriarchal religious laws.

The prison industry is of great profit to corporations and Republicans. George W. Bush’s policies introduced 4.8 million more children to hunger (USDA). The Bush family greatly profits from the Keefe Prison Commissary Industry.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., married into wealth and invested into Vanguard’s tax-free money market fund. Vanguard is a major investment firm with the prison-industrial complex. Between 2005 and 2008, this investment rewarded McConnell with $5 million.

Would you cry “austerity” and cut nutrition and education programs for $5 million?

Did anybody’s corporate media inform them that the Center of Medical Progress that spoon fed Republicans’ fraudulent tapes concerning Planned Parenthood was manned by people such as David Daliedon, with ties to the violent fringe of forced birthers?

Troy Newman calls for execution of care providers. Cheryl Sullenger served time in prison for plotting to bomb a clinic in the 1980s. She assisted Scott Roeder to track Dr. Tiller to execute him. Terrorists are Republican advisers?

The only things I see Republicans protecting women from are decent salaries, constitutional protections, access to health care and a healthful potential for their children. Republican obsession to control women is no mystery. It is about lust blended with obscene profit. Who pays for this obscene profit? You, the taxpayer pays.

Curious that journalist Robert Samuelson keeps inciting conflict between elderly and our youth, without ever mentioning how the corporate prison industrial complex robs our youth and schools of problem-solving funds.

Stephanie Johnson


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