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Keep liquor sales independent in Colo.

Bob Cochran’s Sept. 21 letter to the editor is a good example of some common misconceptions. If anyone thinks that they would find a comparable beer or wine selection going to the local City Market or Walmart as they would at any of Durango’s local retail liquor stores, please stand up and present yourself for public ridicule. Is Cochran aware of just how many people travel from other states to buy beer and wine in Southwest Colorado simply because of the incredible selection and competitive prices?

Of course those “ample” margins – just a moment while I suppress a laugh – that must be why you will often see Stan, Sheri, Eric, Brad, Mike, Les, or Joe working the cash registers at their respective establishments. Please let me know when you see the CEO of City Market making suggestions and ringing you up!

And at the end of the day, wouldn’t you rather give your fun money to a local homeowner and taxpayer who is paying a living wage, instead of just another faceless multinational conglomerate?

Paul Tocco


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