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Letters: Boondoggle bridge needs a good rethink

It is hard to believe the city of Durango is considering spending $4.1 million on this horrible ugly bridge on 32nd Street.

Surely, there must be a more reasonable solution.

What would be the problem with a trail underpass such as at Ninth Street? I have used that part of the trail countless times and it seems to work very well.

The speed limit on 32nd is 25 mph, so why wouldn’t a pedestrian speed bump as suggested in another letter work? Or a warning light like on Camino del Rio at Seventh Street?

Surely, there must be better solutions than this eyesore.

As far as crossing the railroad tracks, I believe the trail crosses the tracks on grade farther on up at 36th Street.

Give people credit for being able to pay attention when crossing a street or the tracks with appropriate warning signs. $4.1 million could go a long way toward an underpass on Camino at 12th Street or a needed extension of the trail to Three Springs to serve that growing community.

The city needs to rethink this boondoggle.

Ed LehnerDurango