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Letters: Show your community love – stay home

I am a public health social scientist at Fort Lewis College. I study and teach about big picture social issues such as how racism, poverty, settler colonialism and gender inequality put vulnerable populations at the highest risk of disease and illness.

Before FLC’s spring break, I spent some valuable time with my students processing the unfolding pandemic. Collectively we shared our feelings; disappointments, sadness, and fears.

I shared how sad I am to lose valuable classroom time with students whom I love and admire. I’m disappointed that my husband and I didn’t get to go on a long-planned trip to visit friends in Big Bend National Park. I’m fearful for vulnerable populations, and members of my family and community who will face the burden of suffering in the coming days.

Yet I am so incredibly grateful for your canceled plans. Your inconvenience. Canceling plans – travel, small gatherings, in-person school, happy hours, going to the gym – really does suck. It’s a sacrifice. Ultimately, staying home is the best tool we have, and in a word, it’s the deepest form of love.

Many of the basic principles of public health are shared by many religions and ethical frameworks. That we, as a community, need to care for our most vulnerable. So don’t think of “social distancing” or “flattening the curve” as abstract, clinical public health terms. Think of them as small acts of love to your community, to the vulnerable, and to yourself.

Stay home.

Sara NewmanDurango