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Options are available for senior housing

I was thrilled to see the story addressing the need for senior housing (Herald, March 29). I wanted to add a couple of options that were not mentioned.

Evenings Porch Assisted Living is open in Bayfield, with 11 private rooms and the capacity for 16 individuals. Our beautiful facility offers a home-like atmosphere, in a smaller setting, with services and care that go above and beyond the Colorado Assisted Living Regulations.

Another option for La Plata County residents is Four Corners Health Care Center. This long-term care facility is in the process of adopting a music and memory program, which is proven to enhance quality of life to residents. Very innovative!

Sunshine Gardens, Cottonwood, Four Corners Rehab and Evenings Porch Assisted Living are all Colorado Licensed quality facilities offering great services, support and quality of life to La Plata County residents and their families.

Erin Youngblood


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