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Our teachers are educators, not guards

I would like to thank all the teachers in Durango and, really, all teachers in the U.S. for their bravery and dedication.

They go to work every day knowing that on any day they could be faced with a horrific event like that which faced teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Feb. 14, and at Aztec High School in nearby Aztec, N.M., in December.

Arming teachers is not the answer to this national scandal. It is one of the NRA’s fondest hopes and ultimate goals to get rid of gun free zones around schools.

Raising the age limit to buy an assault weapon to 21 is also not the answer.

The Aztec shooter was 21!

We must not only protect our children, but the brave teachers to whom we entrust them.

Schools are not the only venues where our children are endangered by NRA-backed gun laws. What about our movie theaters, our shopping malls, our concert halls, our churches?

It’s about the guns and we must act now to force our legislators to enact common sense gun laws. If our current representatives will not act, we must replace them. The time is now.

Text ACT to 64433 and find out how you can do something! Look for a #March4OurLives event in Durango on March 24.

Carol Cure
