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Planned Parenthood another serial killer

This letter is in response to the editorial defending Planned Parenthood (Herald, Sept. 8). For anybody to defend the practices that have been exposed by the Center for Medical Progress in its series of videos is not just unconscionable, it is truly reminiscent of the Nazi propaganda campaign supporting the genocide of the Jews! To defend an organization that makes no attempt to refute the fact that they cut the face off of a live baby to get to its brain so they can “donate” it to science, is beyond barbarism!

This comes from an organization that tells young, scared, pregnant girls that their child is “just a blob of tissue.” I have news, you can’t donate brains and hearts, lungs and livers, arms and legs from a “blob of tissue.” These are tiny human beings, people, who are being cruelly destroyed so that Planned Parenthood can make money off of their parents and then make more money off of their little body parts.

Let’s pretend, just for a minute, that what Planned Parenthood (and the Herald as its defender) says, is true. Namely, no laws have been broken. Let’s also pretend that the statement that Planned Parenthood provides “essential basic health-care services – which comprise 97 percent of Planned Parenthood’s activities” is also true. Guess what? There are literally thousands of organizations, clinics, health-care facilities, doctor’s offices, etc., that provide all of the same services except the cruel dismemberment and “donation” of aborted baby body parts!

Planned Parenthood is not needed and should not be tolerated in our society, let alone our town. Trying to defend Planned Parenthood over this most recent scandal is like trying to defend Ted Bundy. Ted was a nice guy. He went out of his way to make people like him and all of his neighbors thought he was a great, handsome, helpful guy. The only problem was, he was a notorious serial killer and he eventually had to pay for his crimes.

Planned Parenthood is an even worse serial killer and it should get what is coming to it.

Mickey O’Hare


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