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Plea for constructive dialogue falls flat

Response to Hope Scheppelman’s letter (Herald, Nov. 27): Hope, you call for civility and a need for constructive dialogue. You claim to abhor personal attacks and character accusations. What has been your reaction to the last 10 years of your cult leader’s vicious attacks on everybody, from Obama, to my immigrant mother, to my immigrant in-laws, to Kamala (whose name he refuses to pronounce correctly to demonstrate his disrespect) to falsely accused Black men for whom he demanded the death penalty? Donald Trump constantly insults and lies about everyone, but if someone criticizes, him he pouts like a six-year-old. From your letter of protest, apparently his sycophants react in the same way. Your plea for constructive dialogue falls flat when the Republican Party you adhere to has demonstrated that they are incapable of such a thing.

Rhys Schrock
