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Postal worker, coach thanks community

Before I leave my home of 20 years to begin a new chapter of my life, I would like to say thank you to all of you.

Thank you to all the parents who over many seasons entrusted me with your children, allowing me the joy of coaching them in baseball. Also, to the kids I coached then who are now parents, thanks for letting me coach another generation.

Thank you to all of the customers of the Ignacio Post Office for making my job one I have enjoyed for many years. It has been my pleasure to serve every one of you. I will cherish the friendships I have made. I will miss the many smiles, jokes and sharing of many stories.

Thank you to my co-workers for many wonderful years of working together. We have watched our families grow up, spanning the generations into grandchildren, as we ourselves grew older, ha ha! I will miss you all tremendously!

Again, thank you Ignacio for a wonderful 20 years! I leave with a heavy heart filled with many joyous memories. I will miss you.

My last day at work is Dec. 22. I hope to see you all before then.

Happy holidays to all!

Darci Heckman
