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Seeking respectful cooperation these next four years

Since the election, just about every response in every newspaper column locally and nationally has been Trump bashing.

Rancor and contention are certainly not the ways to promote or generate positive or logical dialogue about the future of our democracy, no matter one’s opinion of any newly elected president.

The response when Trump became president in 2017 is a prime example. The only agenda was to impeach him. The prominent, but often disreputable, Speaker of the House responded to Trump's State of the Union speech by disrespectfully tearing up her copy of his speech on the House floor.

The impeachment process resulted in time and money wasted, resources that could have been utilized more effectively were squandered. The country's leaders worked against the president rather than with him, not responsibly monitoring his platform, his actions and his behavior to keep them under control. Isn’t that the normal and reasonable approach of our legislative and judicial branches?

In any case, constant bashing of a man in power is unacceptable. The coming four years need to be positive, productive and cooperative. They won’t be unless we tone down our rhetoric and demand respectful bipartisanship

Katherine Reynolds
