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Shanks has served CDOT, region well

Wow, Nancy Shanks is looking at a well-earned retirement from CDOT! Nancy was the face of the organization for many years and I wish her well. She gave Southwest Colorado a perspective on tough public policy decisions. Maybe we can set up some local Shanks/Smedley matchups at Snowdown!

But I thought the Herald had learned something during her tenure. There was no need to spend much of the April 11 story on bad “Bridge to Nowhere” reporting. It was the Herald who originally spread misinformation about the project and made up quotes from Shanks that the paper had to retract.

As for the Herald, maybe you could show a little objectivity and report that CDOT’s original 550 Farmington Hill alignment missed the structures on the affected ranch, and was changed only after not one, but two brand new gas wells appeared in the middle of CDOT’s proposed alignment footprints.

Chris Beller


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