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Steamworks to introduce its BFF, a banana firkin

Steamworks Brewing Co. will continue its Firkin Fridays series by tapping “My BFF” (Bananas Foster Firkin) at 3 p.m. on Friday.

Inspired by the popular desert made from bananas, vanilla ice cream and a sauce made from butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, dark rum and banana liqueur, the BFF is based in Steamwork’s Slam Dunkel beer.

As a Dunkelweizen, which is a moderately dark German wheat beer, the Slam Dunkel has dominate flavors and aromas of banana, a characteristic that is a yeast-derived ester that is a by-product of fermentation.

“To create the ‘My BFF,’ we caramelized brown sugar on the stove, deglazing it with spiced rum and vanilla extract, reducing it to a thick syrup, similar to the creation of the traditional Bananas Foster dessert recipe, but without the exhibition flame,” said Head Brewer Ken Martin in a press release.

A firkin is an old English unit of volume, typically a wooden cask equal to approximately one-quarter of a regular barrel, or nine/ten gallons. The word “firkin” is derived from the Middle Dutch word “vierdekijn,” which means “fourth” as in one-fourth the size. Firkin beer is unpasteurized and unfiltered, contains no preservatives and is served at cellar temperature – cool but not cold.

Steamworks initiated its Firkin Fridays to introduce unusual, specialty craft beers to patrons, and augment its regular offerings. Steamworks is located at 801 E. Second. Ave. in Durango. For more information, visit www.steamworksbrewing.com or call 259-9200.