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The Love I’ve Found with You

(To Linda, for our 55th)

Like a sailor facing wave and wind

Yet holding steady to a course that’s true

I am safely bound for journey’s end

Anchored in the love I’ve found with you

Sun and Moon emerge to watch on high

The natural world reborn each day anew

But this majesty of earth and sky

Can’t eclipse the love I’ve found with you

There’s a lesson that we learned alone

Life’s a venture better shared by two

Through the years a brighter light has shone

Beaming from the love I’ve found with you

Simple pleasures set our hearts aglow

Tender moments turn the skies to blue

Treasured memories have made me so

Grateful for the love I’ve found with you

Dinner simmers the old-fashioned way

Garden glimmers in the morning dew

Traditions gifted from another day

Nurtured by the love I’ve found with you

Satisfaction’s seldom what it seems

Hope’s illusions often cloud the view

But such worries wandering through my dreams

Pale beside the love I’ve found with you

You’re the person who has made me whole

Guided by the grace in all you do

There’s inside of me a better soul

Blessed by all the love I’ve found with you

None can tell us what the future holds

That’s a mystery we can’t pursue

But I know whatever fate unfolds

I’ll always have the love I’ve found with you.

Jerry Harris
