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Vote for freedom

Everyone has the freedom to do, believe, value and feel the way they want. Freedom to feel safe to be yourself and make your own choices. Love the way you choose, live the way you choose, say what you feel and believe in your own values. Live and let live! That is freedom!

However, you must let others have these same freedoms. To let others have their own beliefs, thoughts and values they choose even when it is different from yourself and you do not agree.

This country/world would be a much different place if everyone would let others live the way they have chosen to. To let a person live in peace with the decisions they have made for themselves. As long as you are not mentally and/ or physically hurting another person for their decisions and choices. To safely, joyfully and peacefully be able to live your own life with the choices you have made for yourself, that makes you happy is to live in freedom.

It doesn’t matter if you are Republican, Democrat, independent or undecided, what matters is that you vote. Vote what your conscious is telling you, listen to your heart and vote what you feel is right and what makes you feel free. Do what makes you happy. Let everyone live freely.

Vote for your freedoms.

Jenna Stumpf
