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Yellow arrows continue CDOT confusion

The geniuses at the Colorado Department of Transportation are at it again. Instead of a protected left turn (green) arrow, now the lights along Camino del Rio start with a flashing yellow arrow. Nobody moves because you simply cannot depend, physically or legally on any given driver to correctly signal a left turn – especially a tourist or yellow-plater. Just about the time you can reliably determine if the oncoming driver is, or is not, actually turning, the light goes red.

I simply do not know how Southwest Colorado, with the magnificientulous Bridge to Nowhere and the spandanfantaculous 160/550 intersection, and now this ingeniousilouity arrow scheme managed to get the brightest bulbs in the entire CDOT store assigned here. Can we petition for some of the older incandescents? These new ones aren’t cuttin’ it.

Wade Nelson


Jun 18, 2015
City needs a bowling alley, not more bars

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