Jack Llewellyn
Position: Staff reporter

Reflections over the past 40 years

Forty years ago, I came to Fort Lewis College. I remember sitting on the bench just north of the chapel looking down on Durango, and thought, “Wow, the next four years of my life will be in ...

What’s your word for 2022?

As we say goodbye to 2021 and welcome 2022, it’s a good time for reflection. In looking back over the past year, we’ve seen struggles, losses and challenges, but we’ve also seen acts of kind...

Do something unique – give an experience

’Tis the season, and the spirit of giving has never been felt more than now as we continue to navigate “the new normal.” Gifting can mean different things to different people. It can be som...

Shop where your home is

You’ve heard about supply chain issues and how it could affect holiday purchases so buy your presents early. My message is a little different but just as impactful – if not more so. This yea...

Chamber seeks local rock stars

Our businesses play a major role in our culture and society. They stimulate the economy and allow our community to thrive. Every year, the Durango Chamber of Commerce recognizes our area’s ...

Leadership comes in many forms

Challenging times call for creativity, and they certainly call for leadership. If nothing else, Durango and its residents are known for the adage, when times get tough, the tough get going. ...

Respecting the past while embracing our future

Don’t you love acronyms? (I’m thinking you just said “not.”) It’s as if we speak in code with a bunch of letters. Well, I apologize, I’m going to give you another one, one that yo...

Focusing on the chamber’s three buckets

Our Chamber board and staff recently held our annual strategic planning retreat (virtual, of course, but it worked thanks to Sandhya Tillotson). Our annual retreat is our opportunity to revi...

Elections are a chance to let your voice be heard

With every election comes new opportunities. It’s a cliché and probably redundant for me to say this, but now more than ever we need to know who is running for City Council and th...

We’ll boom instead of bust locally

Those who have read about Durango’s history know that we’ve been called a “Boom and Bust” town. Well, we’re somewhat in the bust era again thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and cur...

Moving on from 2020 without Rita

I saw a joke the other day on the internet saying that “2020” is going to be considered a term used for profanity. We have a new four-letter word in our vernacular. I laughed (we ...

Buy local or bye-bye local this winter

You know me by now. I’m all about keeping our economy going and all of us thriving – which has never been more important in the 38 years I’ve been here in Durango. We all need to ...