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Jennifer Roe

Change of seasons

I don’t know how it has happened already but this fall season is cruising by which means that winter is just around the corner. When the days get shorter and the nights get longer, it can af...

You can choose change

The majority of us have something that we would like to change in our lives, something we would like to improve in order to better ourselves. This could be getting out and connecting more wi...

Shift away from linear thinking

A concept that I have related to my entire life was recently given a name by a teacher of mine. This is the both/and way of thinking. It is a more open-minded approach to viewing the world. ...

Choose to exist, cherish where you are now

Appreciating where we are in this moment and what we have in our present life can be a challenging concept. As a society, we seem to be caught up in the idea that our happiness lies in our f...

Dealing with others can be difficult

“Peopling” can be hard. I firmly believe one of the most rewarding yet challenging pieces to this adventure called life is learning how to be in healthy relationship with others. Oftentimes,...

Spring brings rejuvenation, motivation and energy

I don’t know about the rest of you but for me, this winter was a bit rough. I felt very inward, and sickness seemed to be everywhere. I guess I can say that my social agenda was not one to b...

Knowledge is power when it comes to health

There may be times when ignorance is bliss but when it comes to our health, knowledge is power. As a society, we are seeing health issues because of chronic disease skyrocket. Diseases such ...

What brings you pleasure?

February is the month of love. We almost always associate love with giving our hearts and our good intentions to someone we care for. However, when that energy is directed inward and we all...

To carb or not to carb, that is the question ...

There is so much conflicting information out there to decipher in regards to the realm of carbohydrates. There is research that emphasizes how putting certain carbohydrates into your body ca...

Holiday thoughts: Prepare to head to the dinner table

The holidays are approaching and with that comes the season of food, celebration and yummy morsels everywhere! As good and comforting as it is to dive headfirst into a pile of turkey, mashed...

Keep your body warm, nourished this season

We are in full swing of the fall season, and with that is the coming winter months when the days are getting even shorter, there is more of a chill in the air and there are an increasing num...

We are connected to nature’s cycles

Fall is here. The equinox last week, which in Latin means “equal night” marks the official switch of seasons. It is when the length of sunlight and darkness are basically equal and we need t...