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John Peel

Action Line, always thinking polytransportationally

Dear Action Line: So, the new sculpture at the 32nd Street bridge might as well have been put in a hole. When driving east on 32nd it’s invisible. And when coming west down 32nd, don’t b...

Did the county once have a “poor farm”?

Dear Action Line: Years ago, a city employee told me that the old, brick building at 13 Bacus was once the county “Poor House.” It looks like it’s apartments now. Do you know the history...

Keep the faith, river trail and Oktoberfest fans

Dear Action Line: What is the status of the Animas River Trail project behind the high school? The signs say mid-June through late August, and it’s almost October. Construction is still ...

It’s a gas: A case study in technology vs. familiarity

Dear Action Line: Peerless Tyre gas station is right across Main Avenue from a Speedway. Their signs display a constant gas war. I love Peerless ’cuz of, well, tradition. And the fact th...

Skating at Folsom, and who was Claire Viles?

Dear Action Line: Recent maintenance on the unnamed trail that extends south from Demon Bridge along the east side of the Animas River included culvert replacement. Is the water flowing ...

Leaf-peeping takes on new meaning

Dear Action Line: Yes, we all enjoy the greenery in and around Durango, and especially how all the plants have surged with summer rains. But too much of a good thing, even a green thing,...

2017 sign honors fallen trooper from 1959

Dear Action Line: Why is there a sign outside the Strater Hotel dedicated to a State Trooper? I don’t know who this is or what happened. Did I miss something? – Just Joe Dear Joe: Well,...

Ghosts over the Animas? Top-secret military maneuvers?

Dear Action Line: On July 8, right around sunset, I saw something odd over the Animas River. I pulled over and saw what looked almost like little miniature steam tornadoes over the Anima...

The wacky reason jail snail mail was derailed to Texas

Dear Action Line: Why will personal mail to La Plata County Jail inmates need to be sent to San Antonio, Texas? Did the sheriff make a deal with Texas that its tourists can come here onl...

How a restless couple established a Durango legacy tradition

Morley and Arthur Ballantine took a big leap in the 1950s

Celebrating 70, with eye on the future

Board members see ‘surge of optimism and creativity’

Herald matriarch remembered

Morley Ballantine never asked for recognition, but she received plenty of it