Katie Chicklinski-Cahill
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4558

Toast Records and Tapes can help round out your vinyl collection

Shop will be open late for Noel Nite

New book a guide to where movies filmed in Land of Enchantment

Plan a road trip to check out movie locations in New Mexico

‘First weekend fling’: Durango Arts Center launches 24 hours of theater

Entire production will be created in span of a day

Free Little Art Gallery opens in Durango

‘The Giving Circle’ inspires giving, receiving

Vile Aesthetic releases debut album

Durango black metal band’s record created during pandemic

Oh, the horror: Why go out when you can watch scary movies this weekend?

A list of flicks that will get you in the holiday spirit

Durango Choral Society returns to stage for first time since pandemic

50th season anniversary resumes with ‘Viva Vivaldi!’

Durango woman’s starfish cactus reveals a stinky surprise

At first, Durango MaryLou Brewer thought the nasty smell in her house was from a rodent that had fallen victim to her cat and she said she moved her furniture in a attempt to find the poor t...

Dan Groth opens first solo show at Studio &

‘Like a window into myself’

Creepy and spooky: Tickets now on sale for Troupe 1096’s ‘Addams Family’

The student thespians of Durango High School Troupe 1096 are getting ready to take the stage this Halloween season with their production of “The Addams Family.” And, as with just about all o...

Check out what’s playing in Durango movie theaters

Gaslight Twin Cinema 102 E. Fifth St., Durango, 247-8133, Lamb In the isolated depths of rural Iceland,a childless couple, Maria and Ingvar, make an alarming di...

Durango native Pearce Joza to screen film at Durango Arts Center

Actor will be available for Q&A after ‘Under the Lights’