Martha McClellan
Position: Authentic Aging

Love, life and mortality

I’ve just read a fascinating book for those of us who may fear Alzheimer’s disease and/or would like to be able to end our own lives if needs be. Three different people referred me to “In Lo...

Life isn’t always fair!

Sometimes, it feels unfair that, here we are in the last years of our lives, and the world situation is so terrible. Many of us have worked hard to finally get to these “golden years,” and n...

Millennials and boomers in dialogue

Having a conversation with some millennials (born 1981-’96, now ages 27 to 41) recently, I was struck by their thoughts about baby boomers, of which I am one. These people felt somewhat angr...

Recognizing older women and their wisdom

There are women in my life in their 80s and 90s. I am old, but these women are living my next step. I’m so grateful for their wisdom, insight and for my friendships with them. One teaches me...

The story of a death

A good friend has just had a fatal diagnosis. There it is, the moment we all dread, happening right now, today, to a dear friend. I think, surely it can be treated. She will go through some ...

Props for surgery, props for life

Recent foot surgery up in Denver has truly humbled me to the plight of disability and old age. I am home now with many weeks ahead of non-weight-bearing and getting around my house on a knee...

What about us, those without a terminal illness?

Some of us are starting to think seriously about our demise, the end of our lives, the inevitable. Colorado’s law since 2016, the Medical Aid in Dying Act (MAID) is comforting. If we have a...

Finding balance in this late summer and autumn of our lives

Ah ... summer! Fall is here, and it’s a time of gathering in our energy, harvesting the garden and planning for winter. School has started (and will hopefully continue), organizations and g...

The Rules for Life

In this topsy-turvy world we live in these days, there is a lot of uncertainty from day to day. I find myself falling back on more definite and dependable things that I know to be true. A fr...

Consciousness around this energy shift

There is a different feeling in the air. The energy has shifted dramatically. Spring/summer is full-on and people are outside, and planting, and shopping for flowers, and meeting up with fr...

Grief in all its wondrous aspects

A man I loved recently died back in Maine. This man was a major part of my life and that of my kids, and he died way too young at 67. His death has impacted many, especially his daughters an...

To go or not to go, that is the question

Getting the two vaccine shots were such momentous occasions for me. As the vaccine went into my arm, I visualized it traveling around in my system and submerging itself into my v...