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And the West is History

And the West is History: Smelter Smokestack Demolition – 1987

And the West is History: Military Helicopter and Protest at DHS – 1987

And the West is History: Sleigh Ride Near Breen – ca. 1905

And the West is History: D&RGW Washout – ca. 1934

And the West is History: Animas Valley Overlook – ca. 1950

And the West is History: Removing Smelter Mountain Tailings – 1988

And the West is History: Ice skating on Animas River near Junction Creek Confluence – 1898

And the West is History: Men Shoveling Snow at Main and Sixth – 1916

And the West is History: Winter Carnival at 3rd Avenue Ski Hill – ca. 1957

And the West is History: Granny’s Cycle Shop Explosion and Fire Aftermath – 1980

And the West is History: Sno-Cat Stuck in Creek – 1999

And the West is History: Groucho Glasses Event at Snowdown – 1988

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