And the West is History

And the West is History: Jackson Hardware & Novelty Carriage Works – ca. 1920

And the West is History: Durango Bottling Works – ca. 1902

And the West is History: Halloween fire aftermath at Animas School – 1919

And the West is History: Durango Fire Department – 1893

And the West is History: Durango residents downtown – ca. 1881

And the West is History: East Second Avenue business – ca. 1900

And the West is History: Bayfield Filling Station – 1933

And the West is History: Fiesta Parade at Main Avenue and Seventh Street – 1959

And the West is History: ‘A Ticket to Tomahawk’ cast and crew in Silverton – 1949

And the West is History: Whittier School and students – ca. 1900

And the West is History: American Smelting & Refining Co. – ca. 1928

And the West is History: Not the first Ironhorse Race! – ca. 1911

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