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Southwest Life

Bridge scores

Durango Bridge Club online and in-person play – all pairs received 50+ percent March 18 – Club Championship First: W. Caplan/D. Squires Second: S. McInturff/S. Zerbe Th...

The Valley Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center to Host Community Easter Egg Hunt

The Valley Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center, the 110-bed skilled-nursing facility in Mancos, will host a community event featuring Easter events for children, their families, and facility ...

Senior Center Calendar

Durango/La Plata Senior Center 2424 Main Ave., 382-6445 Monday 9:30 a.m.: Tai-Chi. 10 a.m.: Chair Yoga. 10:30 a.m.: Watch Your Step – Marvel. 12:30 p.m.: Duplicate bridge. ...

Local animal rescue nonprofits reiterate need for resources and funding

Despite low funding, animal rescue organizations and officers are continuing to do what they can in the community

Bike tour to benefit Cortez Police Department in honoring Sgt. Michael Moran in May

The bike ride, hosted by SHIELD616, will span four days

Fort Lewis College students receive $75K EPA Award

Students will test water samples from the Animas River and communicate the importance of water resource protection

Photo: Lighting up the lab

Cosmetologists trained to identify possible victims of human trafficking

Group trains salon workers in the Four Corners to look for identifying behaviors

Mancos Common Press to offer housing to workers in Mancos

Housing applications are open until March 25

Lone Cone Library shares ‘River Stories’

Norwood river runners Shiela and Craig Grother will be the featured guests at the Telluride Institute’s monthly Talking Gourds Stories & Poems series at the Lone Cone Library, 1455 Pinion St...

Kudos to Walmart employees

I’m a handicap senior who frequently shops the local Walmart. It has been pretty hectic shopping these days with the renovation going on and the new layout of the store. But, despite this, ...

Heritage Society grateful for support

The Pine River Heritage Society’s recent pie auction fundraiser in Bayfield was wildly successful but for one problem: Organizers forgot to grab contact information from all of the outstandi...
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