
Search committee established for hiring of new Fort Lewis College president

Board of trustees seek help from outside firm for recruiting

Back-to-School: District helps families support students’ mental health

Back-to-school week is here! Aug. 20 marks the first day of school for Durango School District families. It’s an exciting time, filled with anticipation and questions for students like: Who ...

Bayfield High grad now leading Fort Lewis College’s Four Corners Water Center

Program focuses on developing ‘collaborative solutions’ to overcome existing and future water challenges

Bayfield school officials will host workshops about master facilities plan

District looking for 30 to 40 participants to address aging buildings

Kemper Elementary’s first day of school starts with evacuation

Fire alarms required all in the building to evacuate

Residents near library ask City Council to apply brakes on Head Start proposal

City officials acknowledge public engagement needs work; next meeting will focus on listening

Bayfield High’s Natalie Wright named state FFA officer

Wright was BHS FFA Chapter’s first-ever officer chosen for state position

Residents blast city of Durango for its (lack of) public process in neighborhood development decisions

About 40 neighbors near library grilled planners

Durango’s Head Start, workforce housing proposal subject of Monday public meeting

'Opaque’ process causes residents to question project transparency

Durango Adult Education Center’s Fast and Curious 5K and 10K races return in August

Participants encouraged to register for third annual fun run by Aug. 12

Technology in agriculture luring more students to field, Colorado State University president says

Amy Parsons visited Durango, Western Slope as part of community outreach trip

Kwiyagat Community Academy adds fourth grade, emphasizes Ute language

School leaders hope to eventually have a K-12 school, community college and trade school on tribal land
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