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Are art and artificial intelligence compatible?

AI can be a powerful tool, but how it’s wielded is important, Fort Lewis College students and staff say

Mountain Middle School wins state ‘Performance with Distinction’ accreditation

Charter school wins award for the eighth time in 11 years

Durango School District 9-R sees spike in extracurricular activity participation

Durango High School has nearly 1,000 students involved with athletics

New Miller Middle School building construction now halfway finished

60,000-square-foot building expected to be finished by fall semester in 2024

Durango school district administration will have a new home

District finds new space after putting historic building up for sale three years ago; 9-R will move to Columbine Center in 2024

Legislation would provide benefits for rural health care and education

Amendments and requests proposed by U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert would provide increased funding for rural health and educational services.

Durango High School students speak out against gun violence

Female-led group advocates for ban on semi-automatic rifles

Students at Escalante Middle School learn veterinary science through raising kittens

Students nurture felines by learning how to administer vaccines

Durango High School teacher breathes new life into Indigenous language

Elfreida Begay translates words that are relevant to most teens, sparking interest among students

Molly Orendorff declared winner in Bayfield school board race

Newcomer beat out incumbent by just 24 votes

Students honor veterans during heartfelt assembly at Durango High School

Speakers share why they joined armed forces and the impact it had on them

Towns in Southwest Colorado plan Veterans Day celebrations

Cortez will host a parade, and Dolores and Mancos will provide music and pancake events
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