
Durango City Council approves conceptual plan for 29 modular townhomes

Development to target homebuyers earning 80 to 120% area median income

A makeover for La Plata County Fairgrounds

New master plan details $27 million worth of upgrades to historic property

Powerhouse seeks community involvement in renovation plans

Input sessions highlighted desires for increased local science, accessibility and gathering spaces

Jurors unable to reach unanimous decision in Durango arson case

Judge declares mistrial; prosecutors unsure if they will retry Bradley Clark

Durango senior center to close Fridays

Transportation services available during extended hours and meals still available five days a week

Photos: Bird’s-eye view

The bald eagle is the official bird of the United States of America

Colorado gun ban bill loses Democratic backer

Sen. Marc Snyder says he won’t vote ‘yes’ on the bill

Under the (new) lights of Chapman Hill

With a new lift, rope tow and expanded terrain, skiers say Durango’s in-town ski area is better than ever

Community members in Cortez protest actions by Trump administration

‘We the people have to show up. Why aren’t more people outraged?’

Durango city councilor faces censure after calling into doubt closed meeting procedures

Charges of ‘lies,’ ‘rants’ and ‘disgusting’ character defamation abound in council chambers

Photo: Florida Mesa Elementary School students learn about city government

Durango to manage municipal inmates itself for foreseeable future

City to raise 911 service fees after fallout with La Plata County
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