Southwest Life

Slow down to receive more

One of the things I love the most about this time of year is the magical way time seems to slow down. Everything seems to be taking its own sweet time – the changing of the leaves, the first...

Taking right and wrong off the table

In the bakery department of a grocery store last week, a woman walked up to select a freshly baked cookie from the mouth-watering selection of items. She whispered to me conspiratorially, “I...

Beating the breakfast blues

How do you like to start you day? Do you know that those first few choices each morning will set your brain up for what you continue to choose for the rest of the day? How we wake up in the ...

For the joy of eating

Diet fads, junk food, inflammatory foods, allergies – these are just a few of the topics most associated with food in our modern, health-conscious culture. Restrictions on what we eat (and ...

Cleaning up with summer’s bounty

Summertime has always been associated with ease, play, fun and adventure. Living in Southwest Colorado, it’s also connected with abundance and fresh produce. The farmers market and stands ar...

Breezing through life when it’s blustery

Have you noticed yourself or others being more irritable or cross in the springtime? Do you ever wonder if we feel more agitated because of the spring winds? This has been a topic of conside...

Eating from your gut

Have you heard that kale is “super healthy,” but you really, really don’t like it? Or that sugar is bad and should be extricated from your diet completely? What if there was another way t...

Are supplements right for you?

Deciding whether you need supplements is a question many people ask themselves. They have become mainstream and you find them almost anywhere now – grocery stores, drug stores, even hardware...

An ode to cacao

Ah, chocolate. Divine gift of the gods, seducer of millions. Offering health and healing to the physical, emotional and spiritual planes of our existence. How has this bean held us rapt for ...

Making resolutions real

The new year is a time where a lot of us reflect on life – what’s working, what’s not and how we can improve. We are coming down off the “holiday high” with lots of baked goods, cocktails an...

Enjoy the sweetness of the season

Do you love the taste of sugary treats but wish there was a healthier way to enjoy them? This holiday season, there’s no reason to ditch the traditions that support and give context to our l...

Digging deep for optimal nutrition

Root vegetables can be intimidating. Most of them have thick, strange-looking skin and can look like they’re from outer space. Some root vegetables are given the cold shoulder because they h...