
Libraries are welcoming, safe places

Happy holidays! As festive music begins to filter into the background of our lives, the catchy and comforting strains remind me of the peace, joy and fun this season promises. As I’m sure yo...

Libraries can be a valuable buttress during life’s storms

Recently, a friend of mine gave a motivational speech in which she compared what bison (American Buffalo) do and what cattle do when they sense a storm approaching. She explained that when s...

April is the month to celebrate local libraries

It’s difficult to miss the articles, blogs and news reports describing the problems too much screen time can create for a child’s cognitive development. But you might be surprised to find ou...

Libraries are in the business of community

What“s worse for your health: smoking or feeling lonely? According to research by Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a professor of psychology and neuroscience, the effects of being socially isolated ar...

There’s so much to be thankful for

Can you believe that Durango School District 9-R has hosted public libraries for almost half a century? In 1981, in conjunction with the expansion of Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary School, the F...

What are all these things doing in the library?

What materials do you expect to find when you walk into a library? Books? Of course. DVDs? Magazines? Audiobooks? Yes, absolutely. How about an ice cream maker? Or a metal detector? Telescop...

Libraries strive to offer diverse selection of materials

Imagine walking into a grocery store to find that the only vegetable available is canned peas, the only soup, beef-flavored Top Ramen, and the only protein, frozen fish sticks. Now, imagine ...

Libraries are great places to find shared interests

In 2022, Pine River Library staff members met with more than 70 local residents and community leaders to ask a couple of questions. The first was, what do you think are the biggest challenge...

Your local library can help you in ways you may not know

Every so often we librarians will hear that age-old refrain, “Who needs libraries anymore?” After all, isn’t everything online now? We all have computers right? Heck, with ebooks, we don’t e...

Let us help you find your next perfect read

In over 16 years of working in rural public libraries, my favorite type of patron service has always been (and continues to be) providing Reader’s Advisory Services – sometimes shortened by ...

Reading with kids should be filled with fun, curiosity

What makes a book a classic? Do you remember the “classic” books you were forced to read in school? Did you love any of them? Are there books that you do remember fondly? I think that many t...

In tough times, books and stories can provide connection

I don’t know about you, but so far 2022 has not been the fresh start I was hoping for. My year started with a bout of COVID-19 and a canceled mini-vacation. I lost my mum after a long illnes...