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City of Durango to pursue 2005 sales tax extension this November

Councilors have until September to approve ballot language

U.S. Highway 550 connection finally opens in Durango

Some motorists pleased, others dismissive of roundabouts

Democrat Adam Frisch shifts campaign message to abortion in CD3 race

Candidate thinks women’s reproductive rights a winning issue in Republican-leaning district

Photos: SOIL Outdoor Learning Lab adds grow dome

Interim La Plata County Public Health director appointed permanently

Tracy Anselmo has served in the role for nearly a year

La Plata County residents react to attempted assassination

People question security lapses, availability of guns and mental health among young people

With six months on the job, Durango’s new fire marshal is busy as ever

Stephen Rinaldi is placing an emphasis on process improvement, community connections

Billy Goat Saloon, an iconic watering hole near Bayfield, plans to close Aug. 11

Establishment cites rising insurance costs, trademark litigation as reasons

In La Plata County, voters may resonate with policy-driven campaigning after assassination attempt

Political science professor predicts messages of unity likely to be welcome among voters in Southwest Colorado

How Colorado’s delegates to the Democratic National Convention are feeling about Joe Biden

None of the state’s delegates polled said they plan on abandoning Biden

‘Manic’ weather for Southwest Colorado in June leaves uncertainty

July is dry, but Montezuma County hasn’t hit drought levels

Durango Planned Parenthood clinic to close temporarily, but indefinitely

Suspension of services means patients seeking abortion must head to Farmington or Cortez
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