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Lawsuit reveals more troubling details about Durango Stephanie Morris Nissan dealership

Midwest bank says the car dealer owes $1.8 million for collateral sold out of trust

What will it take to fund La Plata County Road and Bridge?

Without a tax increase, the fund reserve balance will be gone by 2025

Durango Board of Ethics gives resident watchdog 20 days to respond to allegations

Committee dismisses five complaints against John Simpson, seeks response to five more

Forensic audit to examine Visit Durango finances

Move comes as revelations surface about board chairwoman’s past fraud

Roxy’s closes after sudden death of co-owner

Business opened in spring 2023 and developed following in Durango electronic dance music scene

Kick off the summer with 11th annual Gardens on Tour

Seven private residences, Durango Hot Springs and library greenspace to be featured

To buck or not to buck: Powder River Rodeo finds the right job for the horse

Before putting the saddle on, John Franzen familiarizes himself with the horse’s personality

City of Durango considers parking permits for neighborhoods east of downtown

Some residents support plan; others see it as government incursion

Bob Banks’ vision and memory honored through Western Heritage Award

Rodeo arena in Montezuma County named after beloved community member

Durango considers sales tax measures to fund city hall, police station

One option preserves current tax rate, another proposes slight increase

Polis signs bill that thwarts statewide ranked choice voting

Governor faced pressure to veto the bill after last-minute provisions were added

Under the heat dome: Durango keeps breaking records for temperature highs

Residents across Southwestern U.S. find ways to beat the heat
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