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It’s fundraising season in the Four Corners

Fundraisers and golf go hand-in-hand, and these days it can be a perfect match. We start with a tradition up the valley at Dalton Ranch Golf Club: the Durango Foundation for Educ...

3 local alumni teed it up for a shot at the Open

Right off the top I want to acknowledge the efforts of three area golfers who traveled to Bernalillo, N.M., a few days ago to attempt to qualify for the upcoming U.S. Open through the Sun Co...

Baseball to golf: Wind, wind, please go away

I was traveling back to Durango last Saturday after calling two stellar Bayfield High School baseball games in Monte Vista. As I was rolling through Pagosa Springs, I saw two brav...

Clubhouse Porch swings into its 32nd season

Welcome, Four Corners golfers, as I begin my 32nd season bringing you news, tournaments and results in the Clubhouse Porch. What a way to begin the season after the dramatic sud...