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Stay up with international family-planning efforts

Although reproductive rights may be in jeopardy in this country, there is reason for optimism both here and abroad. India has the world’s second largest population – about a billi...

Schools one way to give children every advantage

New parents hope that their children will be perfect. Unfortunately, there is often disappointment when reality sets in. We have always cared about the welfare of our children, bu...

Voting is a good way to shape the world you want

We have the opportunity to vote, and thus help shape our world – both nationally and locally. Please vote, even if you don’t follow my suggestions! Most politicians have personali...

Voting is a good way to shape the world you want

We have the opportunity to vote, and thus help shape our world – both nationally and locally. Please vote, even if you don’t follow my suggestions! Most politicians have personali...

Stop relying on Band-Aids and ‘move upstream’

Laura and Phil Olaniyi formerly lived in Durango but moved to Mozambique where they are starting an orphanage, “Heart for the Needy.” Let’s look at some of the statistics for this East Afric...

Honor those people who have chosen to be child-free

I stopped in a store on Main Avenue to buy a Christmas present. When I returned the proprietor’s greeting and asked how he was, he replied honestly. “Not too good.” He had just broken up wit...

In looking at fluoride, evaluate the ‘facts’ carefully

In 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed “Ten Great Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century.” Family planning is one. Another is “Fluoridation of Drinking Water ...

Advocate for long-acting, reversible contraception

Your doctor tells you that she can prescribe either of two treatments, but that one is 20 times as likely to fail as the other. Which would you choose? Over a quarter of women in ...

Responding to my climate change denying friends

A letter to the editor (Herald, Jan. 10) got my attention. It would seem that its author and I are living on different planets. The writer calls professor and former NASA scientis...

Humans are driving Earth’s sixth mass extinction

Last summer a big game hunter from Minnesota shot Cecil, a famous male lion, in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean officials didn’t press charges against Cecil’s killer. Many people in this...

Remember the truth about the history of abortion

I returned to our room in the cheap hotel in Paris to find a bloody mess. My roommate, John, left a note that he had gone to the hospital with his girlfriend. We were in college a...

‘Don’t get pregnant’ no substitute for contraception

“Don’t get pregnant until 2018” is the advice given to women in El Salvador. Yet only two thirds of married women there are using modern contraception. The Zika virus, declared “p...