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Durango brewers enjoy growth

Ska founder sees microbreweries capturing 20 percent of market

Brewing across borders

Brewing, as Ska Brewing Co. and its Swedish counterparts Nynashamns Angbryggeri are proving, crosses borders and cultures. Last year, Ska’s brewers traveled to Sweden to brew with...

For your blood, a beer

With local brewers, blood drive goes Pint for Pint

Roll out the barrel of craft brew

Beer fest, industry continuing to grow

Vintners rediscover nectar of gods

Ancient mead re-emerges as trendy brew

Bikes and craft beers

From N.M. to Vermont to Oregon, cycling tours pedal to breweries

Early pumpkin beers brew dismay among drinkers

RICHMOND, Va. – It’s bad enough that back-to-school comes in June, and Halloween arrives in July. And, of course, we all know Christmas begins in September. But now even the craft-beer indus...

Craft-brew business gains steam in Utah

Beer industry gives state’s aficionados options

Local concerns learn about opportunities for exports

Overseas sales surged in 2012

Time to hop to it?

Growing for breweries not easy, but possible

With some tweaks, cans make comeback in craft beer

RICHMOND, Va. – Nearly 80 years ago, Richmond revolutionized the beer world. For it was in this Southern city in 1935 that canned beer – complete with how-to instructions – was first sold. ...