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Groups plan how to help those with special needs during emergencies

Response plans must consider foreign speakers, people with disabilities

Colorado offering free sign-language interpretation services

Two-year pilot aimed at rural areas

Durango Gymnastics hosts open gym for kids with special needs

Lights go dim, music turned soft and playful energy fills the room

Adaptive Sports volunteer to be honored Saturday at Purgatory Resort

Ross Ehrhardt leaves legacy of helping disabled people enjoy outdoor sports

Pet or service animal? The distinction matters

Lax rules allow people to claim special status for their pets

Colorado agrees to $1M settlement over strip searches

PUEBLO, Colo. – Colorado officials have agreed to pay $1 million to the families of 20 developmentally disabled patients who were strip searched without permission from their families or gua...

Durango business, nonprofit honored for improving accessibility

Progress celebrated on 28th anniversary of disabilities act

Puebloan with autism overcomes hurdles en route to college

PUEBLO, Colo. (AP) – Even before he was diagnosed with autism while in kindergarten, Luke Gebbink’s life’s journey wasn’t without its hurdles. Before entering preschool, Gebbink l...

Dove Creek skier inducted into Hall of Fame

Riddell dominated slalom, won gold in two Paralympic games

Will Durango, La Plata County prioritize accessibility?

Residents with disabilities question transit cuts, ADA investments

Pickleball helps Durango woman beat back depression

Cathy Sykes describes herself as a billboard for the sport

Advocate wins state award for work to help people with disabilities

Jason Ragsdell makes accessibility a priority for rural population