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City of Durango to undertake nearly 30 solar, water and power projects all at once

Energy performance contract to save hundreds of thousands in sustainability plans

Durango doles out lodgers tax dollars for cameras, restrooms, ice skates and more

City Council had about $500,000 in discretionary spending

Infighting among Durango city councilors plays out in ethics complaints

Unfounded accusations filed by current and former members have cost taxpayers thousands

Durango City Council appoints interim attorney

Staff given greenlight to search for long-term replacement following executive session Thursday

Durango city attorney resigns, effective immediately

Councilors schedule executive session to discuss interim and long-term replacements

New rental subsidy program planned for 2023 in Durango

City’s housing division has plans for La Posta Road

Timeline plots path forward for River City Hall proposed police and fire station

Website with project details planned for October release

Dozens speak out before Purple Cliffs closing in Durango

Proposal to establish temporary homeless camp at La Plata County Fairgrounds goes nowhere

Durango staff recommends keeping bump-outs for 3 to 5 more years

City Council considers a fee for business owners if program is extended

Where will homeless campers go once Purple Cliffs closes?

City of Durango and La Plata County look for options less than two weeks ahead of self-imposed closing

Attention shifts to Schneider Park for Durango pickleball courts

Parks and Recreation was considering Smith Sports Complex for new facility

Durango man files lawsuit against city after being denied financial records

John Simpson sought documents in connection with lodgers tax collections