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Tempers flare at Mesa County protest as judge prepares to decide Tina Peters’ role in upcoming election

At least one person hurt when a counter-demonstrator showed up

La Plata County residents can expect ballots early next week

Voters to decide school board positions, three statewide issues

Proposition 119: Colorado voters will decide whether to raise marijuana taxes to pay for out-of-school learning

Supporters say it will help close achievement gap, opponents see it as a slippery slope toward privatizing education

Democrats poised to keep control of Colorado Legislature under latest draft redistricting maps

Maps released Monday are first drawn using 2020 census data

Mesa County commissioners to replace Dominion voting equipment

New contract will extend through 2029

Mesa County ordered to scrap voting equipment after passwords leak

Griswold: Evidence shows Tina Peters assisted with breach

Colorado’s secretary of state blames Mesa County clerk for password breach

Tina Peters denies responsibility, says if anything Jena Griswold’s office is to blame

Ahead of recall vote, Silverton trustees look to set the record straight

Election scheduled for Oct. 12; new candidates can throw names into ring

Few Arizona voter fraud cases discredit Trump’s claims

Associated Press investigation finds fewer than 200 cases of fraud

LPEA candidates urge voting in final days before election

Ballots due by 4 p.m. Wednesday

Why local energy matters

As you may have noticed, campaign signs are popping back up on yards and curbs throughout the region – this time, because one-third of La Plata Electric Association’s board of directors seat...

Durango swears in new city councilors; new mayor named

Three election winners begin four-year terms