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La Plata Electric Association files with state for buyout number to leave power supplier

Co-op asks for estimate to weigh options

Frequent power outages around Hermosa spark investigation

LPEA says it is trying to find fault in system

La Plata Electric commits to exploring options to cut carbon

New CEO wants to develop vision for co-op’s territory

LPEA spends $800,000 a year to protect birds from electrocution

Southwest Colorado co-op hopes project will be finished by 2020

Delta-Montrose Electric prohibited from helping LPEA exit Tri-State

Requirement ‘unexpected and odd,’ says official with local co-op

Settlement in Tri-State buyout case may not help LPEA

Public case could have set precedent

LPEA still pursuing buyout, despite Tri-State vote to seek federal regs

Local co-op worried move could complicate efforts to leave energy supplier

Does Tri-State’s energy policy deter co-ops from battery investment?

Senate bill aims to increase storage access for rural electric cooperatives

Tri-State votes to pursue federal regulation, despite requests for delay

Rules could make buyout tougher for member co-ops

La Plata Electric Association requests buyout estimate from Tri-State

Co-op concerned Tri-State is seeking federal regulation

Lawmakers chide Tri-State for not disclosing federal regulation plans

Letter calls for more time to study new rules

About 1,500 people in Animas Valley lose electricity

La Plata Electric reports all power restored by 4 p.m.